

Do you have questions about our products or feeding a pet, or would you like to know more about our company? Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

About us

Where is the pet food produced?

We produce wet food in Bremen (DE), Hattem (NL) and Terre Haute (IN, USA). We have our dry food produced in Blaufelden (DE).

What is your manufacturer number/how can I tell if the product on the market is yours?

If you would like to look for our products in stores, you can use the private label range of the respective store as a guide. If we are not mentioned by name as the manufacturer, you can find us via our manufacturer number on the packaging. The manufacturer number of our wet food is α DE HB 100004 and NL-08882, that of our dry food and snacks is DE BW 127001.

Can I also order directly from saturn?

We are an internationally active manufacturer of private labels and supply food retail chains, drugstores and specialist retailers. The owners of these brands are the retail partners themselves. Please understand that for this reason it is not possible to purchase products directly from us. The factory outlet is an exception.

Do you have a factory outlet?

We regularly offer second-choice products of impeccable quality in our factory outlet in Bremen. Our opening hours are

Mondays, 13:30-16:30
Wednesdays, 13:30-16:30
Fridays, 10:00-15:00

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the products you require will be in stock on the open days. However, you can call the factory outlet during opening hours on 04215269-360. They will give you more information about what is available on the day and at what price. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make reservations at the factory outlet.

Do you carry out animal experiments?


We only carry out regular test feedings (so-called acceptance or preference tests) in private households. In a familiar home environment, the animals decide which recipe variant they prefer. Measurement data and observations, such as the amount eaten, bowl behaviour and spontaneous preference, are then scientifically evaluated and form the basis for the continuous optimization of our product range.

Our products

Is a complete feed sufficient for daily feeding?

Yes, because each of our formulas is a complex composition of different raw materials that meets the requirements of a complete pet food. Our pet food contains all the nutrients required to provide healthy animals with a complete and long-lasting diet. The European pet food association FEDIAF, in cooperation with internationally recognized animal nutrition experts, defines the conditions that a complete pet food must meet. Compliance with these guidelines is checked and confirmed by regular internal laboratory analyses and those carried out by independent external institutes.

Do you use cereals in your pet food?

If cereals are included in the product, they will be mentioned on the label under composition. Many of our products are manufactured without the addition of cereals. We would like to point out that our company manufactures products with cereals and may therefore contain cereals.

Do your products contain sugar?

With a few justified exceptions, our products do not contain any added sugar. If sugar has been added, it is also listed as “sugar” in the composition.


According to animal feed legislation, “meat” includes all parts of skeletal muscle. Animal by-products are other parts of the animal that are not muscle meat. This includes offal. As a matter of principle, we only process raw materials from animals that have been approved for human consumption by veterinarians.

Why is meat not the only thing in food?

Products that contain a high proportion of muscle meat are often considered to be of high quality. However, it is less well known that organs in particular contain many vital nutrients and are therefore part of a balanced diet. The combination of organs, muscle meat, bone material, connective tissue and fat means that the nutrients required by dogs and cats can be covered almost exclusively by natural raw materials.

In some products I read “INULIN” under “NUTRITIONAL PLANT PRODUCTS” - what is inulin?

Inulin is a prebiotic, which is a plant component that is preferably obtained from chicory. Inulin is broken down by the intestinal bacteria and can therefore have a positive effect on the intestinal flora.

Taurine is important for a cat. Why is taurine not included in some of your products?

Taurine is an essential amino sulphonic acid for cats, which is contained in each of our products via the natural raw materials.

As the indication “taurine” on the label - according to the current version of the feed law - is not mandatory, it is only given at the customer's request.

Under “Meat + animal by-products”, for example, it says 4% chicken. Why so little?

If a component is particularly emphasized in a product, the percentage must be indicated.

For example, 4% chicken means that the product contains at least 4% chicken. However, the total content of meat and animal by-products is higher.

Do you use hooves, claws, horns etc.?


We use raw materials that are suitable for human consumption but not intended for it. This is because they are rarely on our menu.

The raw materials we use come exclusively from animals that are fit for human consumption and have been approved by veterinarians. Hooves, claws, horns etc. are not used in the products we manufacture.

Why are antioxidants used in some dry food products?

The antioxidants ensure that the fats contained in the feed, especially the unsaturated fatty acids, do not oxidize and thus become rancid. This is to prevent fat spoilage.

For this reason, we believe that the use of antioxidants is necessary. However, we are happy to assure you that we do not use artificial antioxidants.

We use two substances of plant origin as antioxidants. The first is extracts with a high tocopherol content and the second is propyl gallate.

Are flavor enhancers used?

We do not consider the addition of flavor enhancers to be necessary, as we only use high-quality raw materials in the manufacture of our products.

Are preservatives used?

The wet food we produce is fully canned and undergoes a sterilization process. This means that no further preservation is required.

In a few wet products, preservatives are used for other technological reasons. Here you can refer to the product label for guidance, as the preservatives we use are subject to declaration and therefore appear on the label.

Do your products contain palm oil?

Palm oil is not an ingredient in any of our products.

Is soy used?

saturn petcare gmbh pursues a very strict soy policy.

In order to avoid contamination with GMO soy, we generally do not use soy in our products. However, unintentional trace amounts from upstream areas of our production (agriculture, collection trade, agricultural trade) cannot be ruled out with absolute certainty.

What is the shelf life of the wet food in the can and how do I store an open can?

Our wet food is fully canned and undergoes a sterilization process, which in turn completely destroys any microorganisms present. The product is therefore protected against spoilage before opening and is given a best-before date.

The shelf life of an opened product depends on the number and type of bacteria present in the environment (e.g. on the removal utensils) and cannot be determined per se. Experience has shown that it can be stored in the refrigerator for two days. However, this can vary. Please always remember to use clean cutlery when removing the food.

Why is the packaging of the dry food not completely full?

The free space in the packaging, the so-called headspace, is due to technical reasons and therefore cannot be reduced. Depending on the baking properties of the ingredients, the croquettes can sometimes be larger and sometimes smaller, i.e. they have a different volume for the same weight. This property depends on many factors and can vary from production batch to production batch.

In order to be able to react to these natural fluctuations and always pack the correct weight, the volume of the packaging has been calculated accordingly in advance.

Animal nutrition

Can puppies be fed with food for adult dogs?

Compared to adult dogs, puppies require a different nutrient profile during the growth phase. The energy requirements of puppies and young dogs are higher than those of adult animals.

When this phase is over and adult food can therefore be fed depends on the breed of dog.

Can kittens be fed with food for adult cats?

Compared to adult cats, kittens require a different nutritional profile. The energy requirements of kittens and young cats are higher than those of adult animals.

We therefore recommend feeding food specially designed for kittens or young cats until they have completed their growth phase.

When does my dog need senior food?

Reaching senior age depends on the breed and varies from person to person. As long as your dog shows no signs of ageing, it is not absolutely necessary to switch to senior food.

What is the right amount of food for my pet?

The feeding recommendations we provide on the packaging have been calculated according to scientific findings and will help you to select the right amount of food for your dog. Please note that feeding recommendations may vary depending on factors such as age, breed, housing conditions, activity and condition of the animal.

We recommend that you adjust the amount of food to your pet or try it out accordingly or consult your vet.

Can I feed my dog products containing cereals?

Dogs are descended from wolves, which mainly fed on prey. The digestive system has adapted very well to the digestion of grain over the course of time, as wolves have increasingly become domestic animals. This has been scientifically confirmed by studies comparing the DNA of dogs and wolves.

Can I feed my cat products containing cereals?

Cereals can be easily digested by cats after thermal and mechanical treatment. Scientific studies show that diets with more than 40 % digestible carbohydrates (including cereals) are tolerated by cats.

saturn petcare.
Your experienced pet food expert

saturn petcare gmbh
Senator-Mester-Straße 1
28197 Bremen